Monday, March 21, 2016

New X Men Apocalypse Trailer is out & it is more than Amazing

Worshiped as a god since the dawn of civilization, the immortal Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) becomes the first and most powerful mutant. Awakening after thousands of years, he recruits the disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender) and other mutants to create a new world order. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Professor X (James McAvoy) and Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) lead a team of young X-Men to stop their seemingly invincible nemesis from destroying mankind.

It has been more than a decade since we were introduced to these characters and now, it is all coming to an end. Where this trailer really succeeds is when it hits us smack in the face with nostalgia. They know we’ve loved these characters for years, and the chance that they might fall to an adversary unlike any they’ve fought before is enough to get us invested.